Philosophy & Ethics
My offering provides you with a safe space where you can express yourself freely and without fear in all your facets. Each individual session is an invitation to truly be “you” and explore what that means for you in the moment. Together in dialogue, I accompany you on your journey through the wilderness of your soul.
To create a world I want to live in, honesty, integrity, and respect for the existence of every living being are central to me. Since I guide others in their development, it is important for me to continually grow myself. I actively seek experiences that deepen my understanding as a human being. Equally, I find it essential to take responsibility for my actions, to repeatedly acknowledge my limits, and to learn from my mistakes.
Being in Dialogue
We are all part of a vast web of relationships. The way we live our relationships expresses who we are in the world. Our relationships reveal our talents, what and how we love, but they also show where we hide, what we avoid, and where our inner wounds lie.
Being in dialogue with oneself and the world means being open to the other and the unknown, without already having a ready answer. It is a sensitive listening, where we feel the echo of the other within us and are ready to respond honestly. In individual sessions, we co-create a dialogue in which your life, with all its facets, can become visible. I trust in the process of dialogue and am curious about what emerges through it. Every session is an opportunity to discover and express your true self.
Expanding Awareness
Typically, we can only include things in our lives that we are aware of. A core aspect of individual sessions is becoming aware of what is present, without wanting to change or avoid it. Together, I want to explore what lies beneath and learn to deal with vulnerability and discomfort. I value listening to the inner voice, sensing feelings and sensations, and giving them more space.
The Path of Small Steps
My approach is based on small, conscious steps that lead to profound changes over time. I support you in strengthening your trust in yourself and in life. I trust in the natural intelligence of the human organism to find the next small step in conscious connection with oneself and the environment, guiding you in a harmonious direction. Change, healing, and growth arise when life and time are ready for it. Through breath, inner stillness, and body awareness, such natural steps can emerge from within us. Patience allows us to appreciate the wisdom of life, which is much older and wiser than we are.
Self-care is a key to personal development. I support you in cultivating a loving relationship with yourself and strengthening your self-awareness.
I place great importance on a compassionate relationship with my own “self,” as the way I treat myself and my life significantly influences how I engage with others and their lives. I continually learn to develop a more mature and creative approach to not-knowing, refining the arts of “allowing” and “self-awareness.” Additionally, I regularly reflect on my work in supervision and engage in fruitful yet critical exchanges with esteemed colleagues.
A Natural Metaphor
Imagine you are like a plant that wants to grow and thrive. How would you like to be treated? Together, we take the time to first examine how you have grown so far. It is important to discover what “fertile soil” means for you so that you can root deeply and absorb the right nutrients. We will also explore how much “water” and “light” are healthy for you and where the best place for you to grow might be. We’ll look at how your life evolves through the four seasons so it can flourish powerfully and vibrantly. This natural process can be supported but never forced from the outside or inside. With this sensitivity, I want to approach you.