Picture by Bessi (Pixabay)
on February, 12 2024 by Joshua

Take Intentional Time for Yourself

The quality of the relationships we build with others greatly depends on the relationship we nurture with ourselves. A good relationship with oneself is a lifelong process—an essential key to an authentic and fulfilling life.

Take intentional time with yourself regularly to truly get to know yourself and to build and live a healthy relationship with yourself. To see the profound effect this can have on you and your self-awareness, I invite you to dedicate 10 minutes every day to this practice for a while. It doesn’t matter whether you choose the morning, daytime, or evening—this is time for you, with you.

Time for Yourself: A Daily Practice

These 10 minutes are about consciously setting aside time just for you. During this time, you are undisturbed and free from distractions. There’s no need for a special plan or goal—just bring your attention and openness. This is a moment to connect with yourself, to feel and sense yourself, and to listen to your thoughts. At first, it might feel unfamiliar, but within this encounter with yourself lies the opportunity to better understand who you are and to strengthen your self-awareness.

I was a seeker and still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teachings of my soul.


Breathe Life

At first, you might feel awkward doing this. It may also take some time before you truly find calm. Perhaps this stillness might even feel uncomfortable at first. All of this is perfectly fine—accept it as it is. These feelings and thoughts are part of you right now; they belong to you. But you are more than this. Acknowledge yourself and keep going.

An easy way to find calm is to observe your breath. Feel yourself breathing in and out, notice how your breath moves your body. Sense it as it flows in and out. If your thoughts drift away from your breath, gently guide them back. Your breath is what keeps you alive—a constant, soothing rhythm of life within you.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

Use this time to connect with your inner self. Speak to your being. Let it know you are here to spend time with it and that you wish to truly know yourself. Give yourself the space to let your true self speak. Create an inner space of silence to hear the powerful voice of your soul. Listen with all your senses—as deeply as you are able in this moment.

The Change Begins Now

These daily 10 minutes may seem small, but their impact can be surprisingly profound. After just a week, you’ll start to notice how your perception shifts—how you understand yourself better and build a deeper connection to who you are.

Give it a try. Breathe and listen to your being.

Last edited on January 27, 2025 ◀ Back

A friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and plays it to you when you have forgotten it.

Albert Einstein

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Morning Inspirations

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What is Gestalt Therapy?

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